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Customers use online reviews to help them determine if a business or product is trustworthy. Positive reviews have become key for the success of businesses. But is it a good business decision to pay for online reviews? Other than legality issues, are there any other implications? Alternatives to Paying for Reviews Without directly paying for fake reviews, businesses can still find ways to generate more reviews from real customers. Some owners choose to offer a discount or free deal if a customer leaves a positive review. Some debate the ethics of this type of practice, but it falls within the gray area of the legal system since these are actual customers. Another way to generate more reviews is through email campaigns. Businesses can include instructions for how to leave online reviews and where they’d like the client to write them. You can also choose a more direct, in-person approach. This can include signs in your store or restaurant inviting customers to let you know about their experience. Having an up to date strategy is key since many customers check the dates on reviews to make sure they are recent. Even if you receive a negative review, it could serve as a chance to improve your business practices. Generating lots of reviews will also balance the positive with the negative. If you started this article wondering, are fake reviews illegal? The answer, according to the FTC, is yes. But there are alternatives for generating more reviews online. high quality imitation bagsysl chain bag replica

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