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Below you can find our 1x2 Betting Predictions for Today and Tomorrow.
Our 1X2 Betting Tips allow you to quickly see what our professional football betting tips algorithm thinks the outcome will be of all matches taking place today and tomorrow around the world.
If you are new to betting on this market or 1x2 predictions are something you have not seen before then it can be a little confusing to understand at first, so let us break down what all the options actually mean:
2 - If the tip is showing 2, then the algorithm believes that the away team is going to be victorious in this fixture and that you should back the Away Win option in the Full-Time Result list.
1X - If the tip is showing as 1X, then this is slightly more complicated as it is offering two potential outcomes for the game.
In this instance it is saying that the game will be a Home Win OR a Draw.
It can sometimes be called Home Win or Away Win.
Are you looking for more expert football predictions to win more from your sports betting? Then why not check out our Bet of the Day.
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