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Because the point spread is designed to be attractive to bettors who want to wager on either the favorite or the underdog, the value will sometimes range from +100 to -120 on each respective side, or -105 and -115, as the sportsbook attempts to entice wagers at different prices.
For example, Suppose a point spread opens with the Celtics favored by 5 points over the Knicks at -110.
And if a lot of people are betting on the Celtics at this number, the imbalance has the potential to change the vig to -115 or -120, which may dissuade more action on the Celtics.
(1) The favorite covers the spread: Bettors win choosing the favorite when the favorite wins by a margin GREATER THAN the point spread.
They have covered the spread, and people betting on the Bucks will win their wagers.
An online sportsbook transaction record may call this a "voided" or "canceled" bet.The "hook"
In contrast, the moneyline for a team that is a 7-point favorite could be -350, while a 7-point underdog could be +285.
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