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Don't fall for fake sugar daddy or sugar momma scams that could leave you in greater financial hardship.
When the Scammer Asks the Sugar Baby for an Upfront Payment First
But if the scammer is paying a victim with this temporary money, how are they making money off of them? The key here is that a scammer has a small window between the payment and the money evaporating where the victim truly believes they've been paid. They can exploit this window and ask for some money back before the money disappears.
How to Spot a Fake Sugar Daddy or Sugar Momma Scam
Therefore, the problem more rests on weeding out the ones that don't want to support you at all. These are the people that abuse the system to scam financially-desperate people out of even more of their money.
If someone is giving you money, it shouldn't rest on you to send money to them to cover something. As such, it's highly likely that if someone does ask for a token payment before they pay you, it's because they want to take that money and run.
Don't Instantly Trust Any Incoming Funds
Image Credit: Yeexin Richelle/
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