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Amazon seller offered 'bribe' to leave great review for product
Wanting to buy a wall stud finder, I chose a £13.60 Homder – mostly on the basis it was an "Amazon's choice", with excellent reviews and positive feedback.
I returned the item and left a one-star review highlighting the paid-for-review tactics by the seller. Amazon didn't publish it.
I resubmitted my review and took a screenshot, but that hasn't appeared online, either. What do you think about this practice?
RH, by email
Your letter shows the extraordinary lengths to which some companies will go to create the impression that this is a five-star product. Given the price and the voucher offer, this item was, in effect, being sent out for free. How can that make commercial sense?
Amazon told us your review had not been published because it breached its community guidelines – that is, you mentioned you had been offered the "bribe". It says it uses a number of technologies and a team of people to prevent firms from doing this. Last year it prevented more than 13m attempts to leave "inauthentic" reviews, and took action against 5m seller accounts attempting to manipulate reviews. It claims 99% of its reviews are genuine. However, it also claimed to have taken action against this particular seller – but when we looked earlier this week, the product was still being offered. After our intervention it has now been taken off, and within hours of us looking at this issue, BuzzFeed news website published an article highlighting the problem of bribes for good reviews, and citing several examples.
We welcome letters but cannot answer individually. Email us at or write to Consumer Champions, Money, the Guardian, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU. Please include a daytime phone number. Submission and publication of all letters is subject to terms and conditions
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