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What Is a Hotel Reviewer and How to Become One
What Does a Hotel Reviewer Do?
As a hotel reviewer, your job is to evaluate the service and amenities at hotels and create a detailed report of your experience. As part of this process, hotel reviewers frequently rate restaurants and rooms, test features like pools or business workrooms, and otherwise aim to experience the hotel as a guest. This job comes in several forms. Some hotel reviewers work exclusively with a single company to see how well each hotel is meeting the expectations of its parent company. Other hotel reviewers focus on a more boutique or niche experience, such as reviewing luxury hotels for a travel blog. Whatever the origin of the job, professional hotel reviewers are expected to be fair and honest at all times.
How to Become a Hotel Reviewer
The primary qualifications for a career as a hotel reviewer are the ability to travel and a way of turning your travel into a job. Many hotel reviewer positions come directly from the hotel's parent organization, so applying to work for the largest companies is a good way to begin. Other people get started by opening a blog and visiting hotels in their area and then branching out once the blog makes enough money to permit full-time travel. Fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of a hotel reviewer requires excellent writing skills and the ability to quickly and accurately assess each hotel's performance. Some hotel reviewers are amateurs, rather than professionals, and sign up for a rewards program that offers extra perks in return for well-written reviews.
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