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How to Make Money on Instagram With a Sizable (But Not Huge) Following
1. Sponsored posts
Sponsored posts are not the only way to make money on Instagram. Working as an affiliate can help you monetize your account. Indeed, you can publish sponsored posts on behalf of brands and their affiliate.
You make money through affiliate marketing when your follower purchases a product you recommended in your content or on your account. They can do that by clicking on the affiliate link or using a promo code when buying the item. The brand tracks the number of sales completed through your recommendation and pays a commission. This can be a percentage of the profit the company makes after these sales.
Some Instagrammers make money by selling their own digital products. The good news is that this social media platform focuses on visual things, and users visit Instagram to get inspiration and discover new products. Therefore, selling on Instagram is easier as long as your products have a strong visual appeal.
The high level of influencer marketing on Instagram makes it an ideal place to source for brand ambassadors. Therefore, you can seek opportunities to collaborate with large brands on Instagram to promote their products. These companies will send you free products to review and promote on your account. The lifestyle blogger, Jay Alvarez, posts videos and photos on his different channels. Brands invite him to be their brand ambassador - a great opportunity to make money.
5. Offer social media marketing services
It's not easy for brands to run ads or post engaging content on Instagram, and the competition is growing every day. However, it's easy to cut through it with professional assistance. For example: Instagram expert, Jenn Herman, has been offering social media marketing services to big brands. These services include training, consultations and developing social media strategies. You, too, can make money on Instagram by working with brands as a social media expert.
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