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The program is called "Ad Verification." The launch of the Ad Verification side comes as Amazon's stock is down some 44% since the start of the year and reportedly has conducted layoffs. As the outlet noted, other companies have attempted such arrangements before from Google's Screenwise in 2012 to Facebook's VPN app tracker in 2016, but both winded down due to privacy concerns. "First of all, they're not paying enough. Your data is worth way more than this," Weinstein told Entrepreneur. Still, Weinstein said it is likely Amazon's customers spend "a lot more" and thus generate more per head than the average Meta user. "Interested customers who did not receive an invitation can download the app to join the waitlist and will be notified via email when space becomes available," the Shopper Panel site says. Meanwhile, Weinstein said he would not advise people to sign up for the program because data breaches at major companies have become all too common. He pointed to Amazon's breach in October, which left an Amazon Prime server with users' personal data that was not password-protected - and the company's new push into healthcare. Amazon says it will get rid of sensitive user data "such as prescription information from drug store receipts." Wired discussed earlier this month that privacy advocates were concerned about Amazon getting into healthcare, particularly as far as data. Amazon acquired OneMedical, a healthcare tech company, earlier this year. high quality imitation bagsbest replica chanel bags
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