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Ever wondered what happens when you return items to Amazon? You get refunded, of course, but what does Amazon do with the items? Also called "return pallets," liquidation pallets are boxes of general merchandise that Amazon wants to liquidate quickly. Once you've sorted your goods, you'll have to pick a place to sell them. For big items in high demand, Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist will likely be your best options. Both of these platforms have low fees and can help you save on shipping costs by marketing to buyers within your area. Keep in mind: If you earn more than $400 in pallet flipping, you'll need to pay taxes. You can set this money aside in a high-yield savings account until it's time to pay. This seems like a lot of work. How much can you really make reselling pallets? Even so, don't expect to get rich from pallet flipping. This is side hustle-worthy, but it likely won't generate enough profit for you to quit your day job. Buying and reselling pallets is ideal for people who own a truck and can pick up pallets directly from warehouses. You should also be okay spending 10 to 15 hours weekly on your feet sorting goods and cataloging them online. But if that sounds like too much work, you might want to pick a side hustle that's a bit more passive. high quality imitation bagschanel classic bag with flap

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