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amazon A newly unearthed fake review scheme is renewing questions about the veracity of reviews on the Amazon marketplace. Late last week, the security research group Safety Detectives reported that it had found a database that contained records of conversations between Amazon sellers and their customers. Included in that data, according to Safety Detectives, are exchanges that show how Amazon sellers arranged for customers to leave positive reviews of their products. If a customer left a five-star rating, the sellers offered to refund them in full for their purchase. In most cases, they offered the reimbursements through PayPal, not Amazon, so that Amazon moderators wouldn't be able to pick up on the collusion. Safety Detectives said it found evidence of at least 200,000 reviews that are the result of a refund scheme. "This is something we've known about for many years," Saoud Khalifah, CEO of the fake review analytics firm Fakespot, told Modern Retail. Plenty of groups across Facebook, WhatsApp and Telegram, along with public Twitter hashtags, are openly devoted to these types of paid review schemes. What is rare, he said, is to see the details in action - for instance, Safety Detectives outlined how sellers would give their reviewers advice on how to make the reviews seem authentic, such as by requesting that the review contain "30+ words." Amazon has, in recent years, doubled down on efforts to curb fake reviews on its platform. The company has increasingly winnowed the options for sellers to solicit customer reviews, including by shutting down the Early Reviewer Program last month, leaving only the Vine program - in which Amazon vets all reviewers enrolled in the program - as an established way for sellers to request reviews. Both programs were designed to make requesting reviews a more tightly vetted process. At the same time as it has streamlined review requests, Amazon has tried to make it easier for all customers to leave reviews - including by allowing people to leave a "one-tap" rating, where no accompanying text is needed - in the hopes of drowning out any fake reviews with authentic ones. Yet while Amazon has made a significant push to limit fake reviews in recent years, its progress appears to have slipped during the pandemic, according to Khalifah. Fakespot uses linguistic patterns, reviewer information and other data in order to guess which reviews are likely to be fake, and he said that the proportion of reviews that Fakespot alleges were fake hovered around 30%, even dipping into the high 20s at times, in 2019. But over the past year, that rate has shot up to around 40%, and for certain categories, like consumer electronics, that rate is significantly higher, with as much as 60% of reviews appearing to be fake. "If you look at this data leak, a lot of these products are these cheap electronics. Those kinds of products will have a lot of fake reviews, because no one will want to leave a review for a battery," he said. In such a cut-throat environment, where the ultimate success of a product depends heavily on its search ranking, the incentives to cheat are built into the system. As a seller, "how do you get attention from consumers and shoppers? You try to get to the first page," Khalifah said. At the end of the day, "It's not a game [Amazon] can win." high quality imitation bags9a replica bags
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