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Every time you look for restaurants, stores, services, or products most of us head straight to the Internet. We want to know what other people are saying about these things. Yelp is one of the most widely-used consumer guides on the Internet today – look up taco places in your vicinity and almost immediately find out which one is the best, based on the number and quality of reviews received from members of the site, people who voluntarily take time out of their busy schedules to provide insight to new future customers who might need it. Vine members may have soon-to-be-released products sent to you – the only requirement is that you review it and maintain sole use of it. While the HuffPost cases didn't fall in the writers' favor, there are online publishers and reviewer platforms that reward users for reviews. Amazon has Vine, a by-invite-only program available to the most highly rated reviewers on the site. As a Vine member, you may have soon-to-be-released products sent to you, and the only thing required is that you review it and maintain sole use of it. According to Amazon's Help page, any review written as part of the program is always labeled "Amazon Vine Review" on the product page and "Customer review from the Amazon Vine Program" when you read the review in its entirety. And this setup is extremely similar to the Yelp Elite Squad, a group of top-rated users that have been nominated and chosen based on "well-written reviews, great tips on mobile, a fleshed-out personal profile, an active voting and complimenting record, and playing nice with others." The only difference is the fact that nowhere on the FAQ page does it explicitly say that Elite Squad members are to be sent free things. In fact, accepting freebies in exchange for a review is highly discouraged. The closest Yelp has to having paid reviewers are Yelp Ambassadors, who are official employees that also write real reviews. (Elite Yelpers do, however, get to enjoy many perks, like parties and events.) yelp ambassador badge 2. A community member may lose their Elite Squad membership "if they decide not to stay engaged on the site and with the community." The only repercussion of this is that they will lose their Elite badge on their profiles and they will no longer be able to attend Elite events planed by the local community manager (AKA Yelp Ambassador) in their city. They still have the same ability to share reviews, interact on the site, and attend events as regular Yelp users. While Yan's report of the service paints a rather positive picture, a few of the claims in the lawsuit stand out. Yelp is accused of keeping quotas for Elite members (which, does sound to be true according to Walker's description of how someone can lose their Elite status), and punishing reviewers for writing negatives reviews of sponsors. There's also a piece in the legalese describing how Elite Yelpers can be fired – though this could just again be what Walker said regarding an Elite Yelper losing their Elite status if they aren't as active in the community. It's difficult to give any merit to this case; on the surface it sounds like a few Elite members' skills have gone to their heads and are overvaluing what they do. At the same time, Yelp has had to wage a war on skepticism around various parts of trickery regarding its business model; how posts are promoted or buried, whether users are fake or not, and there's also the never-ending fight to stop business from hiring people to write glowing reviews. But this all comes with the territory: When you build a business model off of people willingly creating and giving you data, at some point (perhaps when it's becoming well known how valuable a platform is, and thus their data is), some of them are going to start demanding something in return. high quality imitation bagscheaper louis vuitton bags
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