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The replica was designed by the British design and design firm Menswear & Accessories, and the replica, made by British fashion designer John Lewis, features a black corset that gives the wearer a sense of scale, and a corset that shows a man's body shape.
Smith said the design was inspired by a British woman who "had lost her parents" after being forced to move to the United States.
He added that the model is based on an older woman and that he hopes to have the model "and all the other women of the past in the UK" make their way to Britain.
Smith, who lives in New York, said he wants to continue to improve the iconic design in the future, and said he is hopeful that the model will inspire other fashion designers to create more of the same.
He added that the new design is inspired by a similar item he wore in World War Two.
Smith said that he is excited to bring back a design he designed at the same time.
Smith said that he is excited to make the design in the United States.
Smith added that the
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