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Monday Night Game Picks & Predictions:
When it comes to Monday Night Football the NFL holds nothing back, usually making sure that the best matchup of the week, at least on paper, with the most popular teams in the league are the ones taking the field.
If you were to take a look back in the history of Monday Night Football, you would see that some of the best players to ever grace the gridiron all had at least one magical MNF night.
And if not that, you will most definitely find that some of the best football games ever played all just happened to go down on a Monday night.
The Kansas City Chiefs and the Los Angeles Rams, LA Memorial Coliseum, 77,002 fans in attendance, millions watching on TV.
What happened that Monday night? One of the best, if not the best ever regular season football game in the history of the NFL happened, with the Chiefs outlasting the Rams by three points to take the game by a score of 54-51.
Ever since making its debut in 1970 for ABC up until 2005 when it was then moved to ESPN, it can easily be said that Monday Night Football has become one of the cornerstones to the continuous rise of popularity of the NFL not only in the USA where football can effortlessly be deemed as the most popular sport in the country but around the world as well.
Nowadays, after the NFL decided to extend the regular season for one more week, making it 17 in total for the season, that equals to 17 Monday Night Football showdowns, were not watching them is not an option.
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