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Much of it boils down to personal preference, however, there are definitely certain criteria you should consider to be confident that you have chosen the best horse betting site and the one that is the right one for you.
TIP – When looking for a betting website, look beyond the initial offers and check out if they often on-going specials for existing customers.
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Basically every so often – in some cases once a month depending on the merchant – you may be given a free bet or free bets and a certain amount of cash will be credited to your online betting account.
This means that the horse racing odds you get paid at can be better than those you selected.
This means you can see odds, horse info, today's racecards, tomorrows racecards and watch live races more easily when you are on the go.
Although the bookmakers we have chosen are excellent in their coverage of horseracing (both flat and jumps), they are also brilliant at other sports.
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