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I spent about a week wearing the Halo and testing out its baseline and premium features, and I have to say that I've never come away more conflicted about a review. On the one hand (or wrist?), Amazon gets so much right here, and I genuinely applaud it for its innovation. But, on the other hand, I have serious doubts about whether I should wear it beyond the review period. Amazon Halo Hero 1 Amazon Halo App The other main feature of the Halo app and service is its ability to use your smartphone to capture full-body scans. The app uses this data to generate a three-dimensional scan of your body, allowing you to visualize your body composition and measure your body fat percentage. If this freaks you out a bit, you're not alone. Amazon says that its scanning system is ultra-secure. Your scans are only sent to its encrypted cloud long enough to generate the 3D images and then are immediately deleted. Source: Android Central (Image credit: Source: Android Central) When it comes to recharging the Halo, Amazon gives you yet another proprietary charging clamp or cradle. If you have had any Fitbit in the past, you know the kind I'm referring to. The charging cradle is well-made and looks fine, but it's just another piece of e-waste cluttering up your desk, drawer, or nightstand. Source: Courtney Lynch / Android Central (Image credit: Source: Courtney Lynch / Android Central) While Amazon is trying to prevent those with such issues from using the Body Composition features, if you suffer from body dysmorphia or severe self-image issues, you should probably consult your physician or therapist before even considering ordering this device. high quality imitation bagsgucci bags for cheap

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