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As the self-proclaimed "channeler" of Coco, he dedicated himself to keeping her legacy alive with each new collection. As a master tastemaker and avatar of style, Karl Lagerfeld would revolutionize fashion for the modern woman up until his fateful passing in 2019. His earliest Chanel bags from the 80s and 90s are the most popular of all vintage Chanel bags. He famously declared, "logos are the Esperanto of marketing, luxury, and business today. The original Chanel bags from the 80s and 90s are worth seeking out. Vintage Chanel Vanity Case The Chanel Vanity bag is both nostalgic and practical, and made a fitting comeback in the Chanel Airlines Spring/Summer 2016 collection. Other things to inspect is the stitching for loose threads and leather for scratching. high quality imitation bagsburberry outlet online bags
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First released in 1992, the bag has since become a staple in nearly every LV lover's collection due to its classic design and relatively affordable price point (the bag currently retails for $1,290 at Louis Vuitton).
However, those options will be pricier, with the Speedy Nano starting at $1,760.4.
An iteration of the iconic Louis Vuitton Noé Bag, the Noé BB also makes the list of the most affordable Louis Vuitton bags.
Characterized by a dome-shaped silhouette with two Toron handles, today the Louis Vuitton Alma arrives in an array of different sizes, including the adorable Alma BB which currently starts at just about $1,760.
Like a bit of novelty when it comes to handbags? If yes, then definitely check out the Louis Vuitton Locky BB.
Get it in the brand's classic Monogram canvas and have it in your collection for decades.
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