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Online gambling is in fact becoming a major problem amongst students in Korea. A total of 7,063 students were treated at hospitals for gambling addictions between 2017 and 2021, according to the Korea Problem Gambling Agency (KCGP). "Students have had greater accessibility to gambling sites since they have been highly online during the Covid-19 pandemic," said a 37-year-old counselor at Paichai High School in Gangdong District, eastern Seoul. "Social media is another contributing factor. Experts say as teenage students can easily open accounts through mobile financial services, including internet banks such as Kakao Bank and Toss, gambling online have become more tempting. Students often learn about illegal gambling sites through other illegal sites such as Newtoki, an illegal webtoon site popular with students, which has banners advertising gambling sites. "It is a win-win strategy for these illegal businesses as they advertised each other's businesses. "Students who come for counseling are mostly at risk of having major financial issues or are about to be criminally punished," said a spokesperson from the KCGP. high quality imitation bagscheap imitation designer bags

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