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The U.S. has long been a hotbed for fake diplomas because of its emphasis on educational degrees, its decentralized system for accrediting schools and its relatively free market in education, the book asserts. House and Senate committees have held hearings on the problem for decades-but those haven't actually led to any legislative fixes. "We work in higher education where degrees matter a lot, and you need not just one, but multiple degrees to get a full-time job now," Eaton says. "When we found out anecdotally that there was no systematic practice for hiring managers to check the credentials of applicants, we were floored." Eaton and Ezell don't underplay the difficulty of cracking down on the mills or screening out fake degree holders. For example, Eaton notes, creating a definitive blacklist of fake schools or diploma mills would be impossible, because the fraudsters can easily change their names, internet domains and other information to keep themselves off such lists. Instead, she suggests employers check with a reputable education agency-in the United States, the Department of Education maintains a list of current and formerly accredited and legitimate colleges and universities. Ezell points approvingly to Oregon, where by law, its Office of Degree Authorization (ODA) protects students, employers and licensing boards by compiling information on accredited programs, evaluating transcripts from unaccredited ones and providing information on degree mills. "There's a law against people holding a fake passport, so why not against holding a fake degree?" Ezell's FBI Dipscam team (which disappeared after he retired from the agency), investigated around 80 suspected diploma mills, dismantled more than 40 of them and obtained 21 convictions. The brazenness of the business always impressed him. His first investigation, in 1980, was of Southeastern University of Greenville, S.C., a degree mill run out of a tiny two-bedroom house. The proprietor actually invited Ezell and another agent who had also bought a degree from him to tour his operation, and showed off student records, fake diplomas, seals and ribbons that the FBI would later seize in a raid. The proprietor died by suicide the night of the raid and when the FBI reviewed his records, it found 171 of Southeastern's 620 "graduates" were employed by federal, state or local governments-evidence that it's not just private businesses or universities that have long been lax when it comes to checking degrees. Ezell says Axact continues to operate through dozens of school names and web sites that are "nothing but layers and layers of flypaper"-trapping students looking to earn a legitimate online degree, as well as those looking for a fraud mill. For example, one current front, California Imperial University, touts its "Joe Biden Scholarship Program" and claims to be accredited by the American Higher Education Commission, with a red, white and blue logo to boot. (No, that isn't a real accreditor.) Napoleon, Nwaokwu and others used that window to begin selling backdated and fraudulent certificates and transcripts from Palm Beach-usually $17,000 for an RN degree and $10,000 for an LPN degree. They charged extra fees for things like having someone take New York State's required online course on infection control. According to an FBI affidavit, 1,226 "graduates'' of the Palm Beach school applied for licenses in New York and 369 were actually licensed there. Why New York? It doesn't limit how many times an applicant can take and flunk the national test, and once they hold a New York license, nurses can apply to work elsewhere. This story has been updated to reflect the fact that the VA removed the nurses from patient care. An earlier version incorrectly stated the nurses were fired. camera bag cyber mondayDior original bag

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Cars play a huge role in the local economy and a large part of every family's budget. Because of that and the sometime shady practices in the industry, the FTC has, over the past few years fined a number of car dealerships and groups for deceptive advertising or sales practices. The FTC has looked at a few review related cases in the past. One included fake reviews in the iTunes by an agency on behalf of an app creator and another case where a transport company was requiring a review in order for customers to get a $50 cost savings on their order. In the former case the fine was $250,000 and in the later there was just a cease and desist order. This case however is the first time that the FTC has specifically laid out fake local reviews as a basis for their actions. The size of the fine is a bit of an eye popper as well. According to MediaPost the "complaint also included allegations that the businesses posted fake reviews on sites including Facebook, Google and Yelp. 'Defendants have received numerous negative reviews on online websites complaining about defendants' deceptive and unfair practices. In numerous instances, defendants and defendants' employees have posted positive, five-star reviews of the dealerships on these websites that deceptively purport to be objective or independent.' The FTC alleged that at least 13 five-star Facebook reviews for one of the dealerships were posted by the company or its agents and they also allegedly populated its own site with reviews that weren't genuine." Another of the dealerships in the group got bad reviews on Yelp and the dealership's Internet manager, his wife and another manager allegedly posted five-star reviews to the site. Reviews are important. No question about it. And they have become evermore important with Google's highlighting of Review from the web and their encouragement of the use of Rich Snippet review formatting. With this increased visibility it is more important than ever that your business plays by the rules. camera bag cyber mondayhigh end replica designer bags

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