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Caviar leather, on the other hand, is made from calfskin with grains. Old leather tends to stretch over time, which naturally causes the quilted pattern to be slightly unaligned. However, if you bought a brand new Chanel bag and the quilt is not consistent, then you've got an imitation.CC Lock In real Chanel purses, the right C overlaps the left C at the top of the logo. The back of the lock is a gold, rectangular backplate secured by two similarly gold screws on both sides. The House of Chanel uses flathead screws or star-shaped screws - both of which are owned by the house and cannot be unscrewed by any screwdriver except the House of Chanel's custom-made screwdriver. The card should have no uneven elements at all, no smudges, no misprints, and nothing indecipherable. Seven digits means Chanel made it between 1986 and 2005. high quality imitation bagsbest replica chanel bags
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