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Donald Trump's 'The Only Way Is Essex' has been on sale for £15,000. The replica was first revealed by the Trump Organization in 2017, but the price has since been dropped. But there is no guarantee they will sell for this price, as the president is said to be in his "fear of losing" and the t-shirts are so cheaply made, it's difficult to find them. It was revealed earlier this week that the t-shirt has sold for just £3,000 in the UK and has a base price of just £30. The fake t-shirt is currently on sale for just £2,500 in the UK. It has now sold for £2,000 in the US, while the real Trump replica has sold for £2,000. .... Donald Trump is known for his famous "The Only Way Is Essex" t-shirts. high quality imitation bagscheap prada crossbody bag
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