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A recent concern among business owners is fake negative reviews being posted online for businesses. Customers more than ever rely on online reviews in selecting companies to do business with. A problem that is frequently occurring is competitors posting malicious fake negative reviews to reduce a company's rankings to promote their own. There are even companies that post fake negative reviews and then try to solicit the company's business to have the fake reviews removed. Our NYC commercial business lawyers stay on the cutting edge of technology and use traditional Court actions to fight these harmful malicious reviews and go after those who are responsible. JOHN TAIT MICHAEL JOSEPH CLIFF NELSON out fake reviews. The algorithm considers such factors as:  The place itself: Has there been uncharacteristic activity - such as an abundance of reviews over a short period of time? Has it recently gotten attention in the news or on social media that would motivate people to leave fraudulent reviews?  Paying, incentivising [sic] or encouraging the posting of content that does not represent a genuine experience. What can you do when the review is defamatory? Because Google reviews are written statements, the law of libel would apply. Each state's libel law is different, so whether a statement is considered libel depends on the application of the relevant law. Libel, however, is generally a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation. A review that is pure opinion or is not false is not libel, and courts are understandably hesitant to entertain lawsuits over statements that are not clearly false and defamatory. Our highly experienced defamation lawyers can assist you in determining whether the fake Google reviews constitute an actionable defamation claim. Even for clearly false and defamatory reviews, Google is not legally responsible for removing the reviews and cannot be held liable for any damages caused by the fake reviews. Because it is not considered the "publisher" of the reviews, it is protected from lawsuits by the targets of the defamatory materials. Communications Decency Act, 47 U.S.C. § 230; Shiamili v. Real Estate Group of New York, Inc., 17 N.Y.3d 281, 293 (2011). A legal action, however, may be commenced against the person who wrote the defamatory review.The first step in initiating a lawsuit against the author of the fake review is to discover the true identity of the author. Google keeps a significant amount of information about the person who posts reviews, such as their name, phone number, email address, and the internet protocol ("IP") address(es) assigned to the computer used by the person who established the Google accounts. It should be noted (again), that if Google removes the offending review through their review appeals process discussed above, the identifying information may be lost. It is important, therefore, to contact a lawyer experienced in removing fake Google reviews to obtain the information prior to the removal or the ability to commence a lawsuit against the person who posted the fake review may be lost. high quality imitation bagsblack prada bag replica

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Baccarat's history is said to go all the way back to medieval Italy. The origins of the card game are debatable, but most believe it was created in the 1400s by a man named Felix Falguierein or Felix Falguiere. He called the game "baccara", which translates to "zero", as all tens and face cards were valued at zero (the French spelling "baccarat" would be adopted later). This original version of baccarat was not played the same way it is today. Cards were dealt by four dealers, each player could be the banker, and players could place bets against fellow players and against the house. Baccarat also caught on in England, where Ian Fleming learned how to play the game before creating the world's most famous baccarat player: James Bond. This kind of baccarat is what we now know as "American Baccarat. In the late 1950s, Tommy Renzoni shipped the game over to the Sands casino in Las Vegas, and the rest, as we say, is history. high quality imitation bagscheap crossbody purse

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