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Baccarat's history is said to go all the way back to medieval Italy. He called the game "baccara", which translates to "zero", as all tens and face cards were valued at zero (the French spelling "baccarat" would be adopted later). Cards were dealt by four dealers, each player could be the banker, and players could place bets against fellow players and against the house. In today's game there is one dealer, bets are typically placed against the house, and the house also fills in the banker role. King Charles VIII and his noblemen loved the game, and Chemin de Fer remained a hit with the French aristocracy for centuries. Baccarat also caught on in England, where Ian Fleming learned how to play the game before creating the world's most famous baccarat player: James Bond. In the late 1950s, Tommy Renzoni shipped the game over to the Sands casino in Las Vegas, and the rest, as we say, is history. Baccarat may have not caught on with the public the same way games like real money roulette and blackjack have, but it still enjoys an air of exclusivity and prestige with many casino goers. high quality imitation bagschanel flap bag price
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