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What characterizes your bags? Its classic color ranges that range between white, brown, black and red. A fake bag will be made with a very low quality fabric and imperfections in the composition of the fabric such as tears and porosity to the touch. How to know if a Burberry bag is original or not? Through its characteristic registered symbol, which brings a knight mounted on a horse. The printing of an original Burberry bag takes care of even the smallest detail in its source. For example, the zipper hardware is printed on each side with the Burberry name, while most imitations do not. The final test on how to tell if a Burberry bag is original focuses on the finish of certain accessories and highlights such as its well-known checkered stripes. Today, we can guarantee that a bag or any article of the Burberry brand continues to have a denotative relevance within the wide universe of fashion. If you need advice to get a bag or any other accessory, do not hesitate to visit us on our website. high quality imitation bagschanel extra mini flap bag

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