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Amazon has taken great strides in making the act of obtaining or producing false reviews against its Terms of Service. For many successful sellers who have in the past exploited specific tips and tricks to get ahead in the reviews, most of these tactics are now considered violations to Amazon. "Immediate and permanent withdrawal of the seller's selling privileges on Amazon and withholding of funds." – Amazon will halt your ability to sell products and withhold your earnings for any products sold not yet paid to you. As mentioned before, using services in which you could offer compensation to people in exchange for reviews is also forbidden, such as independent contracting services. You may be more likely to be caught this way because of the electronic paper left. Reimbursement outside of Amazon is also not tracked by its payment and refund system, which provides inaccurate information about seller earnings. "A seller asks a reviewer to change or remove their review. They might also offer a refund or other compensation to a reviewer in exchange for doing so." "A seller diverts negative reviews to be sent to them or a different feedback mechanism while positive reviews are sent to Amazon." In the past, a common practice among some sellers was to send a message to a buyer asking for a review. It would say, "If you loved our product, click here," and that link would take customers to the product review page. However, they would also say "If you had a bad experience or did not like the product, please click here;" that link would take them to the seller feedback page. If someone leaves a negative product review in the seller feedback page, you can easily remove it by opening a case with Amazon. Many sellers would use this method to weed out their negative reviews. If you use some black hat software that channels negative reviews away from your product listing, Amazon is sure to take action against you. high quality imitation bagscheap burberry bags

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