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Big Tech companies like Google and Apple don't 'allow' fake reviews on their platforms. If you spot one, you can report it, so it's taken down. RELATED: Dangerous apps can ruin your phone – How to protect yourself Unfortunately, they don't go through reviews with a fine-tooth comb, and many fake reviews make their way to each platform. That's why you'll want to learn how to spot an honest review from a fake one. A valuable review can save you a lot of time and money when trying to select the best product and service, and their a few pro tips for picking out the spam. Watch for these signs that a review could be fake: Fake reviews on Apple How to report a fake review on the Apple Store Select the review you think is fake and want to report. Open the Google Play Store in your browser on your computer. high quality imitation bagsgucci bag cyber monday
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If you're a fan of blackjack, you may be wondering if you can play the popular casino game online in New York.
However, there are offshore websites that offer blackjack games to players from states where online gambling is prohibited.
While playing on these offshore websites may be technically legal, it's important to note that they carry risks.
These websites are not regulated by US authorities and may not have the same safety and security measures in place as licensed casinos.
This makes it appear as though you're accessing the internet from that country rather than from New York.
If caught, your account could be suspended or terminated.
Using offshore websites carries risks because they aren't regulated by US authorities
While it may be tempting to play blackjack from the comfort of your own home, make sure you understand the potential risks involved.
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