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There are three types of affiliate marketing: It's important to keep in mind that the percentage of the sale you receive isn't the only factor in your commission. Your conversion rate also matters because it reflects how many people are actually clicking an affiliate link and making a purchase after visiting your site. Your conversion rate is the percentage of visitors to your website who make a purchase via your affiliate link out of the total number of visitors to your site. For example, if during the month of August, your website receives 5,000 visitors and 10 of those visitors made a purchase after clicking on your affiliate link, that would be a conversion rate of 0.2 percent. If a customer arrives at Amazon from one of your affiliate links, adds an item to their shopping cart, and leaves Amazon without completing their order, it's still possible for you to earn a percentage of that sale. As long as the item was added to the shopper's cart within that 24-hour window, you'll receive the referral fee if the order is placed before the shopping cart expires, which is typically 90 days. There are many products to advertise. With more than 3 billion items for sale, in addition to services like Prime Video, there's no shortage of products to promote via affiliate links. Amazon affiliate links can also be shared on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, making the affiliate program a great option for anyone who's active on social media. You don't need a large following to benefit from using such links. Promoting products you know and love is powerful word-of-mouth marketing, and friends and family may be more likely to take your recommendations because you're a trusted source. Next, you'll need to describe how you drive traffic to your sites, how you generate income from your sites and apps, how you typically build links and how many total unique visitors you get on a monthly basis. The SiteStripe bar at the top of the page enables you to create several different types of links. You can create a native ad as illustrated above, or you can get a plain-text link, an image with an embedded link, or a text-plus-image ad. You can also click to share on Facebook or Twitter. high quality imitation bagschanel medium double flap bag

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