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Previously, there was a very popular Reddit group called r/RepLadies , which was mostly made up of wealthy people who bought these luxury knockoffs. While it's unclear where this claim came from, Quora users have been arguing the idea that those are just advertising scaring people away from buying replicate things by claiming that the money will be used to fund terrorism. If the difference is huge, it's likely the seller didn't do a good job with the materials.Material quality: You can easily tell from the feel and smell of the leather. If you're looking to buy a fake bag, don't fall for the false promise of a "100% exact copy. AAA: This is the bag with standard replica quality. Check prices carefully: Keep an eye out for vendors that offer unreasonably low costs for high-quality replica bags. Don't forget custom fees/taxes: Shipping replicas could result in having them confiscated by customs – chat with your seller about it before finalizing your order. camera bag cyber mondaychanel flap bags
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