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Indeed, free-play offers (e.
This is in line with previous research, which found that a portion of casino gamers play these games to build up their 'skill' before migrating to gambling in land-based or online gambling venues (see Kim et al.
However, the inflated payout rates may give players an inflated belief in the skill, and, of course, there is no skill if the game of choice is one of pure-chance, like a slot machine.
Indeed, one of the concerns of social casino games is that although they purport to have age verifications, a UK study found that 300,000 youths aged 11–16 reported having engaged in free online gambling games in the past week (Parke et al.
Some limitations of the current study should be noted.
Thus, the current study cannot speak to social casino games being a deterrent to online gambling (e.
, knowing you can't win).
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