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Can we stop saying reviewers are unpaid? Image: Coins by KMR Photography CC BY 2.0 serving on search committees (or any other committees) So what? Does it matter if we say reviewing is unpaid? I think it does. I think the fiction that reviewing is unpaid labour might be making it harder to get people to do it. Much more importantly, I think the fiction that reviewing is unpaid labour risks becoming reality, because when we repeat it, administrators, managers, bureaucrats, and politicians might just believe that we mean it. If reviewing is unpaid labour, their not-even-unreasonable argument might go, then we shouldn't spend job time to do it. Instead, each organization might decide that its employees should focus on activities that return direct benefits to the organization (teaching our own undergraduates, writing papers about our own in-house research, patenting gizmos for our own company's profit, what have you). The problem, of course, is that we can't all spend all our time doing those things, or the larger system of science will simply grind to a halt. © Stephen Heard August 22, 2017 UPDATE 2: It's worth reading this counterpoint from BioMickWatson. It's well written, interesting, and makes good arguments – even (perhaps especially) the ones I don't entirely agree with. Thanks to Mick for writing. **^For some academics, there actually are salary implications, because reviewing is part of a basket of activities that are considered, during yearly reviews, in order to determine merit-based pay increases. This isn't a very strong case for reviewing being "paid", though. I suspect that reviewing is always a rather minor component, and substitutable with other indications of professional activity. ***^OK, I do get royalties on sales of The Scientist's Guide. Believe me, I'm not getting rich off of them. high quality imitation bagsreplica louis vuitton bags

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