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The YouTube Partner program gives amateur filmmakers, singers, videogame enthusiasts, vloggers and others a cut of the revenue from ads that run before and on their YouTube videos. Creators on Amazon Video Direct can also get monthly revenue from posting videos there. You'll need to add in info about the cast and crew, even if it's just you talking to the camera. Another rule is that you must have captioning on the video. YouTube and Vimeo offer these services for free. Amazon won't let you upload the file until you upload the captioning as a file, and routes you to online captioning firms, which will create the file for you, for a fee. Amazon Video Direct "is not an 'upload and go' service," says Amazon spokeswoman Rena Lunak, "so there is going to be some wait time involved." Amazon says it wants "professional produced videos," whether is movies, TV series, web series, digital shorts and the like, with the idea that your video would join polished product in the Prime Video offering. Content creators are paid $0.15 an hour for US viewers of their fare, or 55% of the sale price for a short-term rental. In a statement, Amazon touched on the many complicated steps for uploading. "Our goal is to deliver the broadest selection of premium content to our customers so we are requiring that videos be high quality and have direct captioning support. We're constantly evaluating customer feedback to improve the experience." On Facebook, Donny Stephens wrote: "If you hear this service is going to compete with YouTube, don't believe it. The overly complicated account creation vs. YouTube easy account creation will be the Achilles heel of this service." Have you checked out Amazon Video Direct yet? What are your thoughts? Let's chat about it on Twitter, where I'm jeffersongraham. high quality imitation bagsdesigner bag replicas

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