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Caviar leather, on the other hand, is made from calfskin with grains. However, there is no authentic Chanel bag that exists on the planet that has under 8 stitches per side. The CC's edges should also be slightly softened at the edges. Also, check the "Chanel" and "Paris" on the backplate. The "Chanel" should be front to back in position, which means if you rotate the bag, the word "Chanel" should be on the top part, and the "Paris" should be at the bottom. Also, there's a round hologram sticker on the upper right-hand corner of the real thing. 4 cm in height. The material of a real Chanel dust bag is hard cotton and inscribed with a white-colored "Chanel" right smack in the center. high quality imitation bagsreplica dior saddle bag
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